Jason and Marcia have been in the ministry for nearly 25 years. They have three young men and a beautiful daughter-in-law and have lived in Missouri for more than 20 years and love living in the Midwest. They also love to camp and hang out with friends. Most of all, they love living life with others.
Marcia has a beautiful gift of mercy and hospitality and cares deeply for those around her. She loves to teach kids about the love of Jesus and gets very excited when they have those lightbulb moments. She also has a heart to see women set free in all areas of life and loves to see others learn with her as she allows Jesus to teach her as she walks though life.
Jason loves to study the word of God and find application for life. For him, it’s not just something to read, “It’s for transforming lives.” He loves to study the Jewish roots and desires to see Jesus, the cross, and His resurrection as the first century church would have understood it. Jason has a passion for seeing people set free from addiction of all kinds. He believes that learning who Jesus is to us is a life-long pursuit that was designed to be shared with others as iron sharpens iron. Jason desires to see the church get fired up and become the church that Jesus truly wants us to be and he believes that we are to be world changers not by what we do but because of who Jesus is.
Both Jason and Marcia love to worship God with their whole hearts and to give glory to God in all they do for The Kingdom of God. They believe that worship is not just a kind of music that we listen to but a lifestyle that we live out loud.